Self Care is not selfish!
We have a tendency to glorify being stressed, run down, working long hours and generally overdoing it. We wear it like a badge of honor. "I work 13 hour days!", "I don't even sleep", "I haven't had a vacation in years"...the list goes on. While being a dedicated, hard worker is a good thing, there is a point at which it is too much. Pushing ourselves helps us grow, but too far and it begins to diminish us.
On top of this, we look at taking care of ourselves with disdain or as something that is a luxury. I see so many conversations like this..."I just had the most wonderful massage"..."It must be nice, I haven't done anything for myself in years" or "I am treating myself to some down time today".
To be clear, the human body requires down time by design. Down time is healthy and when you repair yourself. When you sleep, the body repairs, the mind switches gears and plays. We would never think someone is being selfish for wearing a cast while a bone heals, this is no different.
If you are not 100%, how much can you give of yourself to family, friends and loved ones? How effective/productive are you at work if you are run down? How about your employees, team members, etc.?
We should instead be proud of taking care of ourselves, encourage others to do the same and not look at self care as a luxury that we treat ourselves with.
Take time to sit quietly, take a nap, read a book, meditate, get a massage, go to a chiropractor...whatever practices resonate with you.
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